Look Up Stories

We are born to live and conquer in this world and our aim should be live our life on our conditions without any limitations. I have a perception that time never stops for anyone and therefore we should enjoy to its fullest but be responsible at times. I see so many beautiful things around me every day and there is no way I can cover all the destinations on this planet or even get close to nature. But it does give me a ray of hope to do certain things before I die.

It is often said that childhood is the best stage of our lives as we have nothing to worry about and do whatever we want to do without many restrictions. But I consider it wrong perception and we should enjoy every stage of our life. There are more pressures and issues as we grow up but it does not mean that we can forget about our happiness and change our attitude. I have gone through some of the best and worst stages of my life. There were lot many financial problems, family health issues, career progression and much more. But I feel I was able to handle all the pressure and came out over it due to my positive attitude and grabbing the opportunities with both hands.

It is my grandfather who has been my source of inspiration and optimism in my life. His real story of and journey from belonging to a poor family with no funds and his struggle for years to become a mechanical engineer and taking care of our family motivates me. When I have issues in my life, I always listen to his magic words which give me a ray of hope and energy to be consistent and fight till the goal is complete. His real time experience inspires me to remain patient and positive. I love listening to music when I feel alone and dancing in closed room as it gives me freedom to open my arms and enjoy. I feel so happy that there is some sort of entertainment activities in my life.

I can tell you from my experience that positive thinking and self confidence can do wonders in anyone one life. I was very shy in nature during my school days and hesitated in speaking in front of many people. I had a fear of public speaking and thought that people would laugh at me. But it was my sister who came to rescue me and gave me idea to speak in front of mirror and read newspapers daily. I would often say before the exams that I would fail in the mathematics and would think negative. My thinking process was such that I would only analyse the worst situations and end up taking stress. It was again my sister who guided me and changed my thinking process and perception.

Overall I consider my family as my fire fighter to all my issues and they give me comfort and security. Their hugs and blessings for me work as symbols of courage and guidance to go ahead and always #LookUp and get success with flying colours.

This post is written for #LookUp campaign- https://housing.com/lookup